
Josie - 10 months!

Oh my goodness....Josie is getting SO BIG!!! I was able to take some quick photos of her a few weeks ago, and couldn't believe how much she's changed since our last shoot. She's standing on her own now, and talking away about who knows what. (And in the past couple of weeks, she's already started walking, too!) She's still pretty stinkin' cute...

Check her out in all her cuteness:

I love this face she makes when she's talking:



I had the pleasure of photographing Jack just before I left for my trip in late December. He was only a couple of weeks old, and was SOOOO cute and sweet! I didn't get a chance to post any of his newborn pics before I left, so I wanted to share a few of my favorites. I also was able to photograph his baptism when I got back from my trip, so there are a few from that day as well.

I am really looking forward to photographing Jack as he continues to grow!! Even in just the couple of months that I was away, he had grown so much! Thanks you David&April for trusting me to document such precious moments in your baby boy's life.

I'm still here!

So...I know I've been MIA for a while... Sorry!! 2009 has gotten off to a crazy, incredible start.

On Dec 28 of last year, I flew out of Austin with my friend and roommate, Liz, to head out on a 7-week journey around the world. We had just started planning the trip less than 6 months prior, but after several emails, many late nights and lots of prayer, we were off to meet people throughout Africa, Turkey, Iraq and Asia to learn about the work they are doing to help the poor, the suffering and the oppressed.

To say it was an incredible experience is an extreme understatement... Going on a trip like this has been a dream of mine for YEARS! And I am so incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity. This trip has changed my life in ways that I'm not even sure I've figure out yet... Liz and I kept a blog during our trip to document our experiences, and I encourage you to take a look if you're interested. (Warning - there's A LOT to read...and you'll have to go back several pages to find the beginning... don't get too overwhelmed!)

It's been about a month since we've been back, and I can't believe it! Time flies... Well, now that I'm back to work, I promise to update my blog more often!

Special thanks to Vanessa for allowing me to take so much time off work to go on my crazy journey...I am forever grateful! I felt TRULY blessed to know that I could go on this great trip, and still come back to my awesome job. :) And thanks to Liz for helping me fulfill my dream!!! I still kind of can't believe we did it... Thanks for everything, Liz!!



I love Lisa and Matt… They are truly two of the sweetest, most laid back people I’ve ever met. They had an intimate ceremony at Green Pastures, and it was absolutely perfect… There were so many sweet moments throughout the day, and I seriously had to fight back the tears as Matt recited his vows to Lisa while gently rubbing her arm… Just before the ceremony, Matt and I were talking about how special small weddings are, and he told me, “You know, at the end of the day, it’s just the two of us…and that’s what really matters.” Matt&Lisa, thank you for trusting me with your special memories, and for braving the cold weather for some fabulous photos! :) I hope you’re enjoying the warmer weather in Playa del Carmen!

Matt and Lisa walked up the aisle together....so sweet!

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